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Airbnb Sign-up In The Orange Box!

Thanks for coming to my presentation at the Airbnb Open in November. I really enjoyed the opportunity to share my hosting tips and reveal the secrets of unique value proposition (UVP). If you want to review what you learned at the Airbnb Open, download the presentation here:

If you liked what you heard in Los Angeles, there’s a lot more for you here at and in my new book "The Gig Is Up: Thrive in the Gig Economy, Where Old Jobs Are Obsolete and Freelancing Is the Future." My blog and book serve the hardworking members of the gig economy and sharing economy (that’s you, Airbnb hosts!) by offering fresh ideas and small changes that add up big.

Ignore the “gurus” who tell you that it’ll be easy, that you’ll end up with a four-hour work week, or that it’s something you can do in your “spare time.”  Succeeding in the freelance economy takes dedication, concentration, and effort.  But it CAN be done.  If you’re brave enough to change and determined enough to grow–one step at a time–then this is the blog for you.  And I’m incredibly proud to be able to help you along the way.

You can start by entering your email address in the orange box above to sign up for "The Gig Is Up" list, and receive the Chunk Of Change weekly blog, a free sample chapter of my soon-to-be-published book…and other exciting goodies JUST for you!

I’d love to hear about your journey, your successes and failures, and epiphanies.  So, comment on the blog, reach out to me on social media, or send me a good old-fashioned email.  (Since you’re not a robot, I’ll share it with you.  Its: olga[at]thisdomain[dot]com.)  I’m a real person and I really will respond.

Thanks for being a part of the movement. I can’t wait to share even more with you.


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