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Feeling The Love With Live Tweeting

Last week, I went to see a rare West Coast Seth Godin presentation, brought to Costa Mesa by Linked OC and Bryan Elliott. The room was packed with hundreds of entrepreneurs and business owners (and those aspiring to get out of their current corporate positions), and the atmosphere was abuzz with Godin-esque excitement.

When Seth finished signing books and taking photos, he took the stage with his signature yellow glasses and shining ‘do.

Seth spent the better part of an hour alternating between his signature unconventional wisdom and silly slides of signs that led to a few great jokes. 

He talked about the purple cow, how all marketers are liars, the lynchpin, that we are all weird,  his tribes, and the idea virus…among other things…hitting the high points of all of his bestselling books.

I decided to Live Tweet from the event and was able to connect with fellow Godin-ites in the room—and beyond. The result was unexpected…

A social coup occurred that extended beyond Twitter and actually spilled over to my Facebook page and my blog.

Here are some of the comments that prompted the sudden surge of followers:

















And a few of the responses…



So, I’m curious…Have you ever felt the love from Live Tweeting?

Do you have a question for me?  Just jot it down below or in Ask Olga and (surprise) I’ll answer!


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